Publications & Resources

Journal of Shellfish Research

  • The foremost international journal promoting all aspects of shellfish research.
    • NSA members receive a print subscription and online access via BioOne

Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association

Convention Addresses of the National Shellfisheries Association

  • Prior to creating The Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Associationas a formal publication based on papers presented at the Annual Meeting, Convention Address were typed and reproduced for distribution. Although the list is incomplete, convention addresses from several years are available free of charge thanks to the Biodiversity Heritage Library via this link:

Quarterly Newsletter             qnl header

Industry Reports

  • A listing of publications in the Journal of Shellfish Researchand Presentations at the Annual Meetings that have the most application to fishery and aquaculture activities or important species. There are many other fine papers which are presented or published each year by the Association.


  • The Taming of the Oyster
    The official History of the National Shellfisheries Association is now available!nsa history
    "The Taming of the Oyster: A History of Evolving Shellfisheries and the National
    Shellfisheries Association", by Melbourne R. Carriker, was published in January 2004.

    Copies ($US25 + $4 shipping and handling) are available from:

    Dr. Sandra Shumway
    University of Connecticut
    1080 Shennecossett Road
    Groton, CT 06340 USA

    Order your copy today!

  • Shellfish Artistry Cookbook
    A revised edition of this out of print cookbook is in the works and the NSA is looking for your recipes!  To submit a recipe idea, please download a submission form and send to Sandy Shumway, or click here to submit your recipe online.  Thanks!


Abstracts from past NSA Annual Meetings

98th Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, March 2006
100th Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, April 2008
101st Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, March 2009
103rd Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2011
104th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, March 2012
105th Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, February, 2013
106th Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, Florida, March 2014
107th Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, March 2015 (not a citeable document)
108th Annual Meeting, (Triennial), Las Vegas, Nevada, February 2016
119th Annual Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee, March 2017 (not a citeable document)
110th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, March 2018 (not a citeable document)
111th Annual Meeting (Triennial), New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2019
112th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2020 - cancelled (not a citeable document)
113th Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, March 2021 (not a citeable document)

114th Annual Meeting, (Triennial), San Diego, California, March 2022

Centennial Roundtable Transcript

Centennial Roundtable Transcript, April 9, 2008
Participants: Sammy Ray, Rich Lutz, Bob Malouf, Bob Hillman, Neil Bourne, Aaron Rosenfield, Ken Chew, and Herb Hidu.  Moderated by Susan Ford.